Update from the January SBOE Meeting (Science TEKS Review Process)

The SBOE met January 26-29, 2021. Related to the Science TEKS, the Committee of the Full Board heard public testimony on the drafts from Work Group D and Work Group C. Additionally, recommendations are available from the Vertical Alignment Work Group. Draft recommendations for Work Groups C and D are currently available for review and feedback on the Science TEKS Review Work Group Drafts web page.

The SBOE review process for the TEKS calls for multiple, separate work groups. Work Group C’s charge was to developed recommendations for revisions to the science TEKS for middle school, grades 6–8. The charge for Work Group D was to develop recommendations to revise four high school courses: Aquatic Science, Astronomy, Earth and Space Science, and Environmental Systems. Additionally, Work Group D has proposed a new high school independent study course, Specialized Topics in Science.

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HS Science TEKS Adopted by the State Board of Education

The State Board of Education gave final approval on November 20, 2020, to the Science TEKS for the following four high school courses: Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Physics and Chemistry, and Physics.

The adopted science TEKS are scheduled for implementation beginning with the 2023-2024 school year. A copy of the new TEKS can be found here: Text of 19 TAC Chapter 112, Subchapter C (PDF, 278KB). Please note that the document reflects what the SBOE approved for second reading and final adoption and is still subject to technical edits by Texas Register editors. Once the new TEKS have been filed with the Texas Register, the TEKS will become effective after 20 days and available in Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 112, Subchapter C, with “Adopted 2020” in the title.

Update on the Science TEKS Review Process

The final recommendations for revisions to the high school science TEKS (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, IPC) and the K-12 scientific and engineering practices were distributed to the public and science stakeholders in August. These documents are posted on the TEA Science TEKS Review webpage.

The State Board of Education is meeting this week (September 8-11), and this set of TEKS is currently being considered on First Reading. On Tuesday, September 8, STAT President Kara Swindell, Lubbock ISD, and President-elect Jennifer Meyer, Leander ISD, provided testimony on behalf of the more than 5,000 STAT members.

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STAT Announcement on CAST 2020

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) is announcing today that the in-person Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), that was scheduled to take place November 5-7, 2020, in Houston has been cancelled. Instead, STAT will deliver CAST 2020 as a virtual experience to be held over the same dates.

This was not an easy decision, but as an organization dedicated to advancing science teaching and learning, STAT leadership carefully considered all scenarios, data from scientists and guidance from public health officials. Ultimately, the significant challenges presented by COVID-19 and the health and safety risk to our attendees, exhibitors, speakers, volunteers and staff led all parties to conclude that it is impossible and irresponsible to hold our event as scheduled, so cancelling the in-person conference was the only responsible action.

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Update on the Science TEKS Review Process

The Science TEKS Review & Revision process was temporarily delayed in March by the impact of COVID-19 on Texas schools, communities and TEA. In recent weeks, Work Group B has been convened, and the process has begun again. Work Group B is focused on high school courses and is currently meeting to create a draft for SBOE review. STAT representatives connected with TEA officials to get an update on the process.

We are pleased to report that STAT goals are continuing to be considered and implemented, as evidenced in the following Q & A with TEA. STAT is grateful for the collaborative nature of this process with stakeholders and Agency staff, guided by the thoughtful leadership from the members of the SBOE.

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STAT Releases Position Statement on Building Community through Racial Equality

With a backdrop of continued protests against systemic racism and social inequity, the Science Teachers Association of Texas grieves the continued injustices against people of color and the senseless loss of life. 

At this critical time, our association, representing more than 5,000 science educators of every background, is reflecting on how we can promote equity within science education while bringing more diverse voices into the conversation.

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STAT Statement on COVID-19 & CAST 2020

With CAST 2020 scheduled for November, we are currently moving forward with our regular timelines, planning, and preparations. STAT leadership is diligently monitoring the situation as it unfolds and will adjust and communicate changes as necessary.

We plan to host an incredible event as we return to Houston, but the safety of our attendees, exhibitors, volunteers, and staff will always be paramount.

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STAT Update: Science TEKS Review

STAT Update

STAT is thrilled to report a major success in the Texas science community, which is directly the result of efforts by STAT, the Texas Science Education Leadership Association (TSELA), and the Metroplex Area Science Supervisors (MASS). At the January 31 State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting, the board provided guidance to TEA staff and the science TEKS review work groups as they began work on recommendations to revise the science TEKS. Staff was instructed to provide the science work groups with A Framework for K-12 Science Education to be used as a resource to inform recommendations for revisions to the science TEKS.  

This is an exciting step in a positive direction. STAT would like to thank the SBOE for their support of great science teaching and learning and their willingness to engage with stakeholders who collectively brought this forward for consideration.

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Congratulations to the 2019 STAT Statewide Award Recipients

Each year, STAT proudly recognizes excellence in dedication to science education through our annual award programs. The STAT Awards Committee is honored to announce the following educators as STAT's 2019 Statewide Award recipients.

Outstanding Science Educator of the Year Awards

The STAT Outstanding Science Teacher of the Year Awards recognize excellence in science teaching. The awards are presented to STAT members in the following categories:

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STAT 86th Legislative Session Recap

When the 86th Texas Legislature convened in January, Gov. Greg Abbott declared that the state must invest more in public education, and newly elected House Speaker Dennis Bonnen stocked the House members’ lounge with Styrofoam cups that read “School Finance Reform, The Time Is Now.” Now, sine die (the last day of the legislative session) has passed, and legislators have returned home to their constituents having achieved their goal of passing major school finance legislation (HB 3).

Here’s a look at the major education legislation passed by the 86th Legislature. HB 3 does not contain any specific provisions pertaining to science education, but of course any legislation affecting public education in such a fundamental away will have an impact on Texas science educators.

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Legislative Update: Conference Committee Named for School Finance Bill HB 3

With just over two weeks left in the 86th legislative session, Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick have appointed a conference committee to hammer out the differences between the versions of school finance bill HB 3 passed by the House and Senate.

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PhD Survey: Barriers Faced by Science Teachers

STAT periodically receives requests for assistance from PhD students conducting surveys as part of their dissertations. A committee reviews these requests and determines whether to publicize the survey to our community. This message is from a PhD candidate at Texas Tech who is conducting a survey on the barriers science teachers face when teaching about issues such as climate change. Please consider taking the survey:…/form/SV_5iQXWwcksVlcE1n


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PACT Standard Setting Conference

Opportunity to Participate in PACT Standard Setting Conference

Message from Oak Hill Technology on Behalf of TEA and Pearson

STAT received the following message late last week inviting Texas science educators to apply to participate in the Pre-Admission Content Tests (PACT) Standard Setting Conference in late April in San Antonio. The deadline to apply is the close of business Monday, April 8, 2019.

On behalf of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Pearson, Oak Hill Technology Inc. is currently recruiting Texas educators to participate in the Pre-Admission Content Tests (PACT) Standard Setting Conference.  

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Legislative Update: A Closer Look at HB 3 as It Heads to the Senate

The Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) applauds the April 3 passage of House Bill 3 by the Texas House of Representatives on a 148-1 vote. HB 3 represents a significant investment in public education and would pump $6.3 billion of new funding into Texas public schools. The bill would also dedicate $2.7 billion to property tax compression.

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The CAST 2019 Call for Proposals Will Open Soon!

The Call for Proposals for CAST 2019 presented by the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) will open in early April.

Each year, more than 5,000 educators and science advocates gather for the Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching, aka CAST, one of the nation’s premier science education conferences. CAST 2019 will take place Nov. 21–23 in at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas.

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#STATGivesBack Initiative

STAT is first and foremost a community—a community of more than 6,000 educators and science advocates dedicated to inspiring discovery of the world through science. The work STAT members like you do every day in Texas classrooms makes the world a better place.

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CAST 2018 Recap and Resources

STAT's annual conference, CAST, truly explored new frontiers in 2018, and our members' excitement and passion for learning was — as always  inspiring. If you missed CAST this year or simply need a boost of inspiration, please take a moment to watch the CAST Recap video (below) and browse the CAST 2018 photo gallery.

STAT members, including our newest members joining us as part of their CAST 2018 registration, can now access session handouts from the conference.

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2018 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education (NSSME+) Report Now Available

The Report of 2018 NSSME+ details the results of a nationally representative survey of 7,600 science, mathematics, and computer science teachers in schools across the United States. Areas addressed include: teacher backgrounds and beliefs; science, mathematics, and computer science professional development; science, mathematics, and computer science courses; instructional objectives and activities; instructional resources; and factors affecting instruction. Click here to access the full report.

Here are just a few data points from the report:

Congratulation to the 2018 STAT Statewide Award Recipients

Congratulations to These Outstanding Educators!

The Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) is proud to recognize excellence in and dedication to the field of science education through its annual awards program. The STAT Awards Committee is honored to announce the following educators as STAT's 2018 Statewide Award recipients. Join us to recognize them Thursday, November 1, during the general session at the 2018 Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching.

Outstanding Science Educator of the Year Awards

The STAT Outstanding Science Teacher of the Year Awards recognize excellence in science teaching. The awards are presented to STAT members in the following categories:

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CAST 2018 Keynote Speaker

Dianna Cowern, Science Communicator and Creator of Physics Girl

STAT is thrilled to announce that Dianna Cowern, science communicator, educator and content creator for the one million-subscriber YouTube Channel Physics Girl, will speak at the CAST 2018 General Session Nov. 1 in Fort Worth. Dianna earned a bachelor of science in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before researching low-metallicity stars at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and designing an iPad app as a software engineer at GE. She then pursued her career in STEM outreach working as an educator at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center in San Diego, California, and as a physics outreach coordinator at the University of California, San Diego. Her work on Physics Girl has been featured in the Huffington Post and Slate Magazine and on Scientific American blogs. Check out Dianna’s YouTube channel. 

CAST 2018 registration and housing will open in late August. Stay tuned for announcements!