2024–2025 STAT Board Nominations and Election

The Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) is seeking qualified, dedicated members who represent the diversity of the Texas science education community to provide invaluable strategic leadership to the association. The STAT call for nominations for the 2024–2025 STAT Executive Board is open through March 15, 2024.   

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STAT Executive Board Overview and Open Positions

Serving on the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) Executive Board is an exciting way to grow as a leader within the education community. The STAT Executive Board is the governing body with voting power over corporate and financial decisions. The Executive Board consists of nine members—five officers and four members-at-large—as outlined below:


Term Length

2024–2025 Status


Second year of three-year presidential succession term

Christina Hotchkin, Pflugerville ISD


First year of three-year presidential succession term

OPEN for 2024–2025 term

Past President

Third year of three-year presidential succession term

Kenric Davies, aggieTEACH, Texas A&M University


Two-year term

Dr. Ferleshare Starks, Chemical Educational Foundation, expires 2025


Two-year term

OPEN for 2024–2026 term

Board Member

Two-year term

Dr. Ramon Benavides, Ysleta ISD, expires 2025

Board Member

Two-year term

Dennis Johnson, Port Arthur ISD, expires 2025

Board Member

Two-year term

OPEN for 2024–2026 term

Board Member

Two-year term

OPEN for 2024–2026 term

CAST23 Chair (Non-Voting)

Through December 2024

Kiki Corry, Retired, Texas Parks & Wildlife

Executive Director


Devorah Jakubowsky, CAE


2024–2025 Executive Board Qualifications

To be considered for an open position on the STAT Executive Board, individuals must demonstrate a breadth and depth of experience and commitment to the science education community in Texas. This is accomplished through a thorough application process. Candidates may be considered for more than one open position as indicated on the application. The following criteria for Board service apply:

  • Any regular member in good standing shall be eligible for nomination, election and service on the Executive Board, with the exception of the President-Elect position. Any individual regular member in good standing who has served a minimum of one year on the Executive Board or the Executive Committee shall be eligible for nomination and election as President-Elect and service during the three-year presidential term.
  • No Executive Board member may serve concurrently as an Affiliate representative on the Advisory Board.
  • No two offices on the Executive Board may be held by the same person, except in the event of appointment due to office vacancy.
  • No full term may be repeated consecutively by the same person.
  • Verification at the time of service, primary professional role will be executed in Texas. 


  • President-Elect (1 position)
  • Secretary (1 position)
  • Board Member (2 positions)

For a complete description of each Executive Board position, please click here.

STAT Executive Board Nomination/Election Process

The STAT Bylaws and Policy & Procedures Manual outline a slate-based nomination/election process. The purpose is to ensure that highly qualified, dedicated STAT members serve on the Executive Board.

  1. An appointed Nominating Committee works to promote the nomination and election process and ensure a slate of officers with a minimum of one candidate per position. The Nominating Committee is chaired by the Immediate Past President and consists of a minimum of five (5) members, including an additional Past President. No member of the Nominating Committee can be nominated for election to the Executive Board.

  2. The Call for Nominations opens, and STAT members may nominate individuals or themselves by completing the online application.

  3. Nominated individuals will receive the Application for STAT Executive Board Service. The nominee must complete the application as well as provide required supplementary information (administrator support form and position statement) by the published deadline to be considered.

  4. The Nominating Committee will meet to review all eligible candidate applications and select a slate of officers with a minimum of one candidate per position.

  5. The Nominating Committee shall recommend a slate of eligible candidates to be voted on by the membership. This slate will be announced no fewer than 60 days prior to the end of the STAT fiscal year (May 31). 

  6. In accordance with the STAT Bylaws, 15 days shall be allowed following the slate announcement for any STAT member in good standing to self-declare for a position on the STAT Executive Board through the written petition of 1% of the current STAT membership. 

  7. In order to self-declare in this election cycle, a member must submit a letter to the STAT Nominating Committee Chair that is received in the STAT office no later than Monday, April 15, 2024. This letter must be accompanied by a completed electronic Self-Declared Candidate Application and individual letters of endorsement from 1% of the current, active STAT members. If interested in self-declaring, please contact STAT for more details. 

  8.  If any member successfully self-declares for an open Executive Board position, the position will then become contested, and the process for resolving a contested election will be implemented.

  9. At the end of the 15-day period, the slate will either be elected by acclamation or an online election for contested positions in which the candidate who receives the plurality of votes will be conducted.

Executive Board 2024 Election Timeline

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Nominations open

Friday, March 15, 2024

Close colleague and self-nomination form

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Close application form

March 21, 2024–March 31, 2024

Nominating Committee reviews applications and finalizes slate

Monday, April 1, 2024

Announce 2024–2025 slate

Monday, April 15, 2024

End of 15-day period in which candidates may self-declare by written petition

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Board elected by acclamation OR announce that electronic election will occur

Wednesday, April 17, 2024–Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Voting open—if necessary

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Announce results of electronic voting—if necessary

Saturday, June 1, 2024

New term year begins, and new Executive Board members take office

Nominations Form/Application

Nominate Yourself for the STAT Executive Board

The deadline to nominate yourself for the STAT Executive Board is March 15, 2024You will be required to submit supporting materials by March 20, 2024. 

Self-Nomination Form


Note: The self-nominations form will require you to log in with your STAT membership. Not sure of your password? Reset it here.

Nominate a Colleague for the STAT Executive Board

The colleague nomination period will close on March 15, 2024. Your colleague will be notified of their nomination and required to submit supporting materials by March 20, 2024.

Colleague Nomination Form

FAQs: STAT Executive Board Service

What is the purpose of the STAT Executive Board?

The Executive Board is the Association’s governing body. As such, the Board sets policy and makes decisions on behalf of the membership by providing general oversight regarding the affairs of the Association, its committees, advisory councils, affiliates and publications; determining its policies or changes therein; actively pursuing Association goals and objectives; and monitoring financial affairs. The Board adopts rules and regulations for the conduct of the Association. The Officers and At-Large Board Members are voting members of the Board.

The Executive Board and Affiliate Representatives constitute the STAT Advisory Board, which ensures ongoing communication and representation of specialized interest groups.

Who is the ideal STAT Executive Board candidate?

The STAT Executive Board should include individuals that reflect the diversity of its membership. This includes consideration of geographic areas, experience and background, and areas of expertise. The Executive Board and board reflect various stakeholder groups in science education, including classroom teachers, administrators, university-level educators and informal educators. For more information, click here.

What is the role of the volunteer STAT Executive Board member?

Executive Board members are the link between the organization and the membership. They are responsible for strategic thinking, planning and evaluating on behalf of the association. While association staff and committee volunteers typically execute STAT programs, STAT Executive Board members are responsible for setting the vision, establishing broad policies and organizational goals, and providing long-term strategic direction for the association.

Is there a membership requirement for serving on the STAT Executive Board?

Executive Board members must hold and maintain active membership in the association for the length of service.

How often does the STAT Executive Board meet/what is the time commitment required?

Executive Board meetings are called as necessary to conduct the business of the organization and may take place via conference call, face-to-face meeting or various electronic means. At least two face-to-face board meetings are held each year, and the president may call special meetings as needed. Meetings are typically one-or two-day commitments and usually held on a Friday and/or Saturday.

What is the personal financial commitment?

STAT will reimburse expenses incurred for the official conduct of STAT business related to scheduled and called meetings of the STAT Board and selected/approved committee volunteer work. As an alternative to reimbursement, volunteer leaders may choose to log their expenses and use it as a charitable tax deduction on their personal income tax filing as STAT is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. If volunteer leadership service is supported by a school district or company, STAT appreciates expenses being deferred back to the employer, when applicable.

What do Executive Board members get in return for their service?

Previous STAT Executive Board members have attested to the tremendous value of service, reporting significant professional and personal benefits, including the opportunity to meet, work with and learn from industry leaders; the chance to share their own knowledge, expertise and training with others; professional recognition that elevates their stature within the education community at large; valuable work experience that opens the door to new career opportunities; and relationships with new friends and life-long mentors.