Update from the January SBOE Meeting (Science TEKS Review Process)
The SBOE met January 26-29, 2021. Related to the Science TEKS, the Committee of the Full Board heard public testimony on the drafts from Work Group D and Work Group C. Additionally, recommendations are available from the Vertical Alignment Work Group. Draft recommendations for Work Groups C and D are currently available for review and feedback on the Science TEKS Review Work Group Drafts web page.
The SBOE review process for the TEKS calls for multiple, separate work groups. Work Group C’s charge was to developed recommendations for revisions to the science TEKS for middle school, grades 6–8. The charge for Work Group D was to develop recommendations to revise four high school courses: Aquatic Science, Astronomy, Earth and Space Science, and Environmental Systems. Additionally, Work Group D has proposed a new high school independent study course, Specialized Topics in Science.
Feedback on work group recommendations will be accepted throughout the review and revision process for the science TEKS. When providing specific comments and recommendations, please identify the work group in the subject line of the email. For example, in the subject line, please indicate "Science TEKS Review Work Group C Feedback." Please submit comments to TEA at [email protected]. These drafts, with any amendments driven by input, will be considered at the April SBOE meeting.
Further, TEA staff recommended moving Science from Proclamation 2023 to Proclamation 2024. The rationale for this is that only high school science TEKS have been adopted and K-8 standards will not be adopted in time to meet publishing deadlines, meaning Science TEKS would need to be split among proclamations (HS in 2023 and K-8 in 2024). Also, the recommendation to move to Proc. 2024 allows publishers to produce all K-12 science materials at the same time, ensuring textbooks reflect the new TEKS as they will be more complete. Proclamation 2024 would also include Technology Applications, which is required in statute along with about 49 CTE courses. The SBOE did not act on this recommendation at this time.
The April SBOE meeting will have both a discussion item by the Board and public testimony on middle school science TEKS. The K-5 work group has been assembled and had an organizational meeting with additional meetings to occur in the coming weeks. The plan is to have MS and K-5 workgroups coordinate so that alignment is ensured. The current plan is to have drafts from K-5 group released before April meeting, so that Board can discuss, and testimony can be taken related to science K-8 TEKS. First reading will be at the June meeting, then final adoption will occur at the September meeting.