Executive Board Roles


The President shall be the Chief Elected Officer of the Association and serve as Chair of the Executive Board.


  • See that Board behaves consistently with its own rules and those legitimately imposed upon it from outside the organization.
  • Preside at all STAT Executive Board and Advisory meetings, with all the commonly accepted power of that position (for example, ruling, recognizing), and ensure that deliberation will be fair, open, and thorough but also timely, orderly, and kept to the point.
  • Represent the Board to outside parties in announcing Board-stated positions and in stating chair decisions and interpretations within the area delegated to her or him; the President may delegate this authority but remains accountable for its use.
  • Appoint committees and determine chairs of committees.
  • Appoint task forces and work groups, as needed (with Board approval).
  • Approve the agenda for all membership, Executive Board, and Advisory Board meetings.
  • Serve as a member of the Finance and Advocacy Committees.
  • Manage evaluation and contract negotiation with Executive Director/Management with Past President and President-Elect.
  • Represent the organization at local, regional, state, and national events.
  • Serve as the official spokesperson for STAT.
  • Prepare for meetings and facilitate discussion, always within the boundaries established by the Board.


The President-Elect shall work cooperatively with the President in administering the affairs of the Association, serve as President Pro Tem in the event of the President’s absence, and assume the office of President after fulfilling the term of President-Elect.


  • Select chairs and members of STAT Standing Committees to serve during his/her term as STAT President.
  • Chair the Policy and Procedures work, as needed.
  • Serve as a member of the Finance Committee.
  • Serve in place of the President on Advocacy Committee when needed.
  • With President and Past President, conduct the evaluation process and negotiate a contract with the Executive Director/Management.
  • Prepare for meetings and participate productively in discussion, always within the boundaries established by the Board.

Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall advise the President, shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee and oversee the Board elections process, and shall take office after serving as President.


  • Advise the STAT President and President-Elect in their roles.
  • Serve as parliamentarian during Board meetings.
  • With President and Past President, conduct an evaluation process and negotiate the contract with the Executive Director/Management.
  • Chair the Nominating Committee and oversee the Board elections process.
  • Serve as Chair of the CAST Steering Committee for the conference that occurs during the year following the STAT Past President’s term of office.
  • Prepare for meetings and participate productively in discussion, always within the boundaries established by the Board.


The Secretary shall be responsible for documentation of all regular and special meetings.


  • Review and approve minutes of all regular and special STAT Executive Board meetings, Advisory Board meetings, and the annual membership meeting at CAST.
  • Carry out correspondence specifically related to the duties of the office, as needed.
  • Relinquish copies of all records, documents, and STAT property or equipment to the STAT Executive Director for archiving at the end of his/her term of office.
  • Prepare for meetings and participate productively in discussion, always within the boundaries established by the Board.


The Treasurer shall oversee all Association financial activities and shall serve as the Finance Committee Chair.


  • Chair the Finance Committee.
  • Review the annual budget prepared by the STAT office and review the budget with the Finance Committee.
  • Approve all STAT expenditures prior to payment.
  • Serve as a secondary signatory in all STAT accounts.
  • With President, review and approve all contracts/commitments in excess of $10,000.
  • Supervise the maintenance of an itemized accounting of STAT income and disbursements.
  • Supervise STAT reserve funds.
  • Review online bank accounts, as necessary.
  • Review financial reports at each STAT Executive Board meeting and at the annual membership meeting at CAST.
  • Prepare for meetings and participate productively in discussion, always within the boundaries established by the Board.

Board Members (4 Positions)

Board members are voting members of the Board and represent the varied perspectives of STAT membership.


  • Chair STAT standing committees, task forces, and work groups as needed.
  • Represent the members of STAT legislatively, at mini-CASTs, and other events when appointed by the President.
  • Prepare for meetings and participate productively in discussion, always within the boundaries established by the Board.